Jacksonville Up 20% in 10 Years
Located on the eastern coast of Florida, Jacksonville lines both banks of the St. Johns River – the longest river in Florida and also one of only two rivers in North America that flows north instead of south. In the past 10 years, the Jacksonville metro area has grown by a whopping 20 percent.
To date, there are 1.5 million people living in the metropolitan area and more continue to arrive every year. In fact, Jacksonville’s population has been steadily increasing at a rate of 2 percent per year (compared to 1.8 percent for State of Florida), and its workforce is expanding at twice the national average. There are many factors that explain this growth.
Firstly, Jacksonville is the only Florida city that is home to four Fortune 500 companies. The region also has a world-class health care system, with more than 20 hospitals, that are probably stocked with equipment like hospital beds, and a growing bioscience community.
Additionally, 13 of Forbes Global 500 have operations in Jacksonville. With a cost of living below the national average, temperate climate and business-friendly environment, Parker Associates believes Jacksonville is one of the best real estate markets in the country.
Residential building permit activity in the Jacksonville MSA has steadily increased since 2011 (an average of 22 percent annual growth over the last seven years), and with nearly 10,000 total permits issued through August, area permits issued should again approach 13,000 in 2018.

Parker Associates works extensively on understanding your market, your consumer, and your goals. We don’t take guesses, we take the time and commit the resources to researching the market and the consumer to make sure we get it right. We are YOUR advocate by being the CONSUMER’S advocate.
Spend time looking at what you are trying to acquire, develop, or sell to learn how you can improve the success of what you are offering. Parker Associates helps understand the consumer by answering WHO will buy, WHAT they will buy, and HOW they will buy it. When the research is completed and the analysis is done, having the answers to these questions will reveal what will provide the best success for your project. Keep asking WHO, WHAT, and HOW and keep developing to fit the need.
The Parker Associates process starts with a confidential review and consultation to learn more about our processes. Then Contact Us to put Parker Associates to work for you.
Don Waltz is a principal of Parker Associates of Jacksonville, Florida, marketing consultants to the real estate industry; Research Specialist, MIRM and a Sales & Marketing professional with Parker Associates based in Jacksonville, FL. He can be reached at 904-307-1314 or via email don@parkerassociates.com.