Product Positioning is essential to successful implementation.

Product Positioning is essential to successful implementation.

The definition of product positioning is the design of products including buildings, communities and developments, as well as their communications media presentation, to appeal to the needs and preferences of the defined target consumers. It requires creative visual arts skills as well as knowledge of target consumer Psychographics to prescribe optimum appearance and translation into target consumer appeal.

Historically, developers have copied competition positioning that either appeals to them personally or appears to generate higher competitive sales. Although such precedents may produce positive results, they also reduce the potential of becoming a trend-setter based upon accurate consumer knowledge.

Parker Associates has a time tested method of product positioning.  Parker Associates bases product positioning on specific consumer preferences from current surveys and focus groups published by industry periodicals and reports, or direct consumer interaction designed and carried out by Parker Associates experts and contractors. It is too important for guesswork or client opinions.