In real estate marketing for the new millennium, your website is the new sales center. It can be assumed that virtually all prospects will visit the website – most before coming to a community. Parker Associates has worked extensively within the Real Estate Marketing Alliance to formulate the Web-Centric Marketing concept. It used to be that a brick and mortar storefronts would get all the attention but Web-Centric Marketing drives all channels of the campaign to the website. Online and off-line channels lead to the website as prominently as

The REMA Web-Centric Marketing Concept drives all of your traffic through the website maximizing prospect throughput.

The REMA Web-Centric Marketing Concept drives all of your traffic through the website maximizing prospect throughput.

to locations and phone numbers. A Web-Centric marketing program combines organic and paid vehicles all working to create awareness for the website and increased visibility on the crowded World Wide Web.

A Web-Centric Program builds a marketing channel ladder up to the website that includes:

  • Ongoing Website Content Management
  • Search Engine Optimization to Increase Web Visibility
  • Search Engine Marketing to Enhance Organic SEO
  • Off-line Direct Marketing & Traditional Media

Leads from all channels are re-marketed to in ongoing Follow Up marketing to maintain awareness in the typical longer purchase cycle for real estate sales.

Contact us to learn more about moving to Web-Centric Marketing and how to build a marketing channel ladder to drive more website traffic, leads, prospects and sales.